Our energy systems. Your networks.

réseaux chauffage urbain Sogeca énergie propre

Gas networks

Better control

TELLOS Group has long-standing expertise in the design, installation and maintenance of high, medium and low-pressure gas networks. The company possesses the leading-edge engineering skills and top-level knowledge required for tackling any technical challenges, such as the extension of existing networks, the design and construction of gas network structures for public and private services of utilities such as natural gas and propane (under pressure or not).

The gas distribution network offers competitive advantages in terms of energy efficiency and the fight against climate change. Gas networks can rapidly replace more polluting energy sources, such as the coal and fuel used in older heating networks. It also provides the opportunity for developing highly efficient cogeneration systems. The TELLOS Group is consolidating its positioning by adopting an approach which includes renewable energies, such as green gas and biomethane.

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Heating and cooling networks

Better efficiency

TELLOS Group has developed unique expertise in the engineering, building, maintenance and management of major urban and industrial heating and cooling networks. The solutions we offer are based on smart and virtuous systems, such as biomass and recycling industrial heat. The Group’s turnkey solutions also include the construction of boiler rooms and/or substations, with connection to the network.

TELLOS Group channels its expertise into improving production efficiency while using local and renewable energies. For public buildings and for industrial and other facilities, this means lower costs and better control of energy consumption.

Our affiliates:
Espace public chauffage urbain

HVAC and sanitary engineering

Better performance

As part of its network solutions, TELLOS also offers bespoke, fully optimised services for both new and refurbished industrial, service and collective buildings. The Group works with its clients for their climate control, ventilation and sanitary needs across a range of services from engineering to installation work and maintenance. Our full-service offering is driven by a multi-skill engineering office, specialists in designing tailored energy-efficient solutions.

TELLOS Group offers tailored, high-performance, innovative and smart solutions in line with today’s building requirements, notably with regard to efficient control of resources and energy consumption. Building occupants enjoy optimal conditions, while the carbon footprint and costs relating to uses are significantly reduced.

Our affiliates:

Smart lighting and illumination

Better quality-of-life

TELLOS Group’s expertise in public lighting and innovation is a logical part of the process of driving innovation and delivering on its knowledge of electricity networks. The Group offers a comprehensive range of services, including illuminations for standard and special occasions, lighting for major sports facilities or enhancing historical buildings, rationalising city lighting systems and analysis of lighting units.

TELLOS Group helps local authorities to adopt a responsible and intelligent public lighting system, which can reduce energy consumption and system maintenance and which can act as a driver for innovation in the provision of services to users, such as Wi-Fi relays and smart parking tools.

Our affiliates:
signalisation dynamique Groupe Tellos borne d'accès

Dynamic signalling and access control

Better fluidity

TELLOS Group’s expertise in electricity also extends to turnkey solutions for flow control, access control and remote surveillance. The Group offers specific traffic flow control and coordination solutions for each project.

TELLOS Group works with local authorities to set out and implement an urban mobility plan to improve traffic flow. Particular emphasis is placed on preventing congestion and traffic build-up through traffic light and regulation systems designed to give priority to public transport. Installing video cameras will help prevent urban nuisances, while access is controlled by barriers or bollards. Whenever possible, TELLOS Group sets out to enhance the existing environment through reasoned and controlled use of new technology. Our affiliates:

Our affiliates:


Better connectivity

With optical fibre increasingly finding its place both in households and in companies (FTTH, FTTO), the way is open for everyone to be able to use new digital spaces and services. With the ambitious plan in France for rolling out optical fibre throughout the country, TELLOS Group offers a high-performance, quality-driven solution emphasising cost efficiency.

The Group uses its technology to create fibre-optic networks to meet demand from local authorities, cable operators and the private sector. The networks we create are all graduated and tailored to individual needs. We work with regional and local authorities right from the preparatory stage of projects. With its impressive portfolio, the Group can offer cable operators its expertise in engineering, its experience and its knowledge of eastern France. Solutions for industry and business are based on individual needs, and are designed to factor in constraints such as special security requirements or the need for business to continue as usual during installation.

Our affiliates:
télécommunication Groupe TELLOS fibre optique
Programme Hortus TELLOS IMMOBILIER avant


Better agility

Le Groupe TELLOS, via sa filiale spécialisée dans l’aménagement foncier, orchestre tous les aspects de la valorisation immobilière, de l’achat de terrains nus (privés ou communaux, en mixité public/privé), à la revente en parcelles viabilisées, y compris les démarches administratives et de financement. Le Groupe accompagne les collectivités dans le développement de leur urbanisation.

TELLOS Group develops bespoke, turnkey real-estate projects which mirror its demanding corporate values. The Group applies its expertise to developments of all sizes, in business parks, residential areas and in buildings, for both new builds and urban refurbishments. Working through its specialist affiliate, it offers its investor, owner, corporate or private clients the opportunity to develop residential, production, office and other business buildings. The Group works with expert partners to put together effective financial and legal packages for all types of innovative developments, perfectly in tune with the needs of both investors and end-users. Our projects represent the future of property development.

Our affiliates:

Territoires d'avenir: new generation ZAC

Better attractiveness

Territoires d’avenir est la réponse concrète du Groupe TELLOS pour de résoudre l’équation de la transformation économique et de la sobriété foncière, dans le respect des terres et des territoires, en matière d’aménagement des nouvelles zones d’activités. Le Groupe, co-construit avec les élus, des projets qui s’intègrent harmonieusement dans l’environnement, créant ainsi des territoires respectueux et attractifs anticipant et répondant aux besoins de demain à horizon 10 ans.

Territoires d'avenir is a strong commitment to three key pillars: sobriety to enable companies to reduce their carbon footprint sustainably and drastically (decarbonised energy mix, respect for biodiversity, responsible management of resources, rehabilitation of brownfields and retrofitting of existing sites rather than artificialisation of agricultural areas); connections to anticipate the needs of industrialists by giving them the opportunity to take full advantage of the potential of Industry 5. 0 industry (physical connections with multimodal accessibility, very high speed digital connections, data centre or 5G infrastructure); the human aspect in order to create places of life and desire to attract talent (green corridors, cycle paths, health trails and a whole range of attractive services to create an ideal living environment).

Territoires d'avenir is the promise, for the territories and the companies, of a "turnkey" development (as Axioparc, un des 1ers sites industriels TELLOS labellisé par l’État)  grâce à une offre intégrée et structurée, de la conception à la commercialisation.

Environnement préserver Groupe Tellos développement durable recyclage déchets chantier


Better resources

Innovation based on anticipating the future can only be successful when taking the present into account. This is the underlying theme behind TELLOS Group’s environment division, which deals with the rehabilitation of contaminated sites and the management of industrial waste. The Group is based in a region previously dominated by heavy industry, and the rehabilitation of contaminated industrial wasteland was one of the key tasks it was asked to perform in its early days. We now have considerable in-house experience in managing hazardous waste, such as oil refuse.

The Group manages the storage of inert waste from building and public works sites. Whenever possible, the waste is recovered and reused in, for example, road construction and embankments. Our emphasis on using natural or recycled materials underpins our policy of investing in sustainable development and in reducing the wastage and pollution generated by the modernisation of our towns and cities and the maintenance of network infrastructures.

Human resources

Better disclosure

Adapting human resources to both current and future business sectors is of key importance for the TELLOS Group. Vocational training is a crucial lever not just for acquiring and developing employee skillsets but also for their professional development. TELLOS’ training unit has the dual role of training its own employees and also offering a wide range of training programs (including safety, technical, managerial, cross-functional and skill acquisition training) for its subcontractors and clients to boost the employability of all its trainees.

Through its training affiliate, the Group will provide the skills and expert training to support SME human resources and give management the tools they need for resolving employee management and induction issues. The services the Group provides are situated within HR development and can, for example, involve drawing up processes, providing support material, performing audits or organising Team Building training.

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Extension du réseau de chaleur urbain de Metz

Près de 50 000 foyers alimentés par 66 % d’énergie verte : en 2023, le Groupe de TP TELLOS remportait le marché d’agrandissement du réseau de chauffage basse pression de Metz agglomération, construit en 1956 et long de 135 km. Le chantier, reconduit en mars 2024 pour une deuxième tranche, concerne 18 extensions et plus de 2 km de fouilles.